
Meleny teaches First Degree Usui Reiki. First Degree is an introduction to the world of Reiki. There are no necessary prerequisites for this level; however this level of training is the foundation of Reiki and is required for anyone who wishes to study Second Degree Reiki and beyond. Reiki is taught in four levels and the succession of each level is dependent on the individual’s growth.

First Degree Reiki is a two-day course that incorporates history, theory, discussion and practice. The emphasis at this level is self-healing; students will be shown how to implement Reiki into their daily lives. Students will also receive four attunements at this level. To attune means, “to bring into harmony with”. The attunements are essentially a way of initiating the student into a new life with Reiki, a unique energetic vibration leading to a path of “spiritual empowerments”. Upon completion, students will receive a First Degree/Shoden certificate.

Whether you want to learn Reiki to better enhance the quality of your life and your loved ones, interested in becoming a Reiki practitioner or would like to utilize Reiki alongside other therapeutic modalities, Reiki is a healing art that offers a lifetime of benefits for everyone. The wisdom of Reiki has continued to enhance the wellness of so many people’s lives. Come and discover more about this sacred Japanese art. Raise your energetic vibrations and lead a healthier and happier life.

Training includes lunch, instructional manual and First Degree Reiki Certificate.